12-20 July 2025

The Ranger Team Commanders Course is a mentally and physically tasking course; teaching both cadets and seniors Team Leadership skills in the field environment. The students will find confidence in themselves, their team members, and in the use of their equipment via multiple in-depth training scenarios. This course is built to challenge your comfort zone as a leader and will stretch your limits and training in the field or while on-rappel on our 60+ foot tower. Advanced Navigation, Search Theory, SAR Techniques, and Mission Team Leadership is heavily emphasized throughout the course. Academics will be taught at the Advanced Ranger Level, and will cover Ground Team Leaders tasks and Ranger Team Commander knowledge. This course teaches the student how to apply skills to be efficient Ranger Team Commanders and Ground Team Leaders. This course requires participants to be highly self-motivated and have no physical limitations. Students will be evaluated on Ranger 1st Class Skills and some Advanced Ranger Skills. Students will also be initially evaluated or reevaluated on current Ground Team Leader tasks and Ground Team Level 1 tasks.
Target Graduation Qualifications: Ground Team Leader, Advanced Ranger
GTL Trainee
GTM 3 & GTM 2 qualified
CPR / First Aid qualified
ICUT complete
MRO complete
CAPT-117 Parts 1-3 complete
R-1 Qualified (Highly recommended)
Previous Summer School (Highly recommended)
If the students has no previous summer school, he or she must have all other prerequisites and a letter of recommendation from their squadron commander.
Physical Category 1 (in accordance with CAPP 60-50)
Cadets Must be a minimum of 15 years old
Completion of Encampment (Cadets)
Completion of Level 1 (Seniors) and Cadet Protection Training (Students over 18)
Course Fee includes food, some training and safety equipment
A supplemental application is required
Maj Shawn Cressman
HMRS Training Facility
Kempton, PA

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